Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Let's talk TV bitches!

Ok, first off. I am super sorry for all of my typographical errors in my last posting. I was typing the post at work and I felt rushed, so I missed a few obvious things...Janice I know you are shaking your head right now..give me a break!

Ok, so PR is getting good. The week before last, I was slightly annoyed, and then this week I feared for my boyfriend's life. (talking about Christopher of course)
Yeah, so the outfits were a tad fugly, but he is an amazing designer, probably one of the top 2 this season, and I was shocked and annoyed they clumped him with that goth mess, Louise. I mean really--what was Epperson done this whole season? I don't get "vision" as a designer. It all looks like overdone Halloween costumes. And who knows how in the hell Louise stuck around so long...

So moving on...let's talk new Fall Shows.

I am loving Modern Family. Ted Bundy's character ( I can't remember his actual name ) cracks me up and totally reminds me of a phase my dad went through post-divorce from my mom. (minus the hot 30 yr old Latin wife) The whole cast is perfect. I feel robbed that I never had a fun gay brother. Anyone wanna trade? Mine isn't worth much, but I will trade if you want a change.

Parks and recreation. Ok, I know I hated this show last year, but it suddenly got good. Like out of no where. Like super funny. Maybe they hired new writers?

Castle. Since Life was cancelled, I found happiness in Castle. Same type of humor, and same type of overall feel. Slightly less interesting characters..but enough to keep this gal happy.

Cougar Town. I had VERY low expectations, but it pleasantly surprised me. I am not willing to admit any enjoyment out of this show right now, I am still in the introduction phase. I will update you on our relationship further down the season.

Ok, who watched Curb LAST week? The blow job episode? I was dying. Just dying. I love that the whole show was centered around blow jobs in the car. Now that is TV.

Due to the busy fall schedule, and my commitment to working out 4 evenings a week..I have had to make some cuts in my TV line up. One day you are in, and the next day you are out...
Some of the shows that have lost their life on my DVR settings are:
Desperate Housewives
Grey's (i stopped watching last year, but really cut them off this)
Real Housewives of Hotlanta. I have not totally cut the ladies off, I dabble on the weekends if I have time.
Brothers and Sisters is on their way out...

I am not afraid to cut more if need be. Fall TV better watch their back!

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