Tuesday, October 27, 2009

If life were a TV show

Do you ever watch a TV show and wish you could live in it? Be that one character?
I find myself obsessing when I watch Gossip Girl. I am so Blair, and minus those TINY mini skirts, I should have Serena's wardrobe.
I also find myself wishing in some weird way I lived in the show Greek. I missed out on that whole college experience, and something about spending all day prancing around 'campus' just seems young and fun. I am not sure that I would be much of the sorority type, but I do enjoy drinking--which I am pretty sure is one of the requirements.
The great thing about TV, is it gives you this false sense of what life really is like. Stay at home mommy's with 4 children, do not have washboard tummies or dress in Gucci on a Tuesday afternoon for soccer practice. But it would be nice to.
Desperate Housewives always tells me, it is ok to be divorced with kids. You will still live in a huge house and drive a Volvo with a rocking bod. No worries. Just let him go. B
Brothers & Sisters showed me that mom's bake and host dinner parties.
Ugly Betty--hey if you a receptionist you can afford wear designer clothing from head-to-toe. Shit, I need to get casted on a TV show. Maybe a reality show. Look at John and Kate. Being famous hasn't changed them.
hmmm what to call my show? I got it! The sad reality. Get it?
I kill myself.

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