Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Aww...to be 16 again

It was a Sunday night at the state fair. A little beer, lots of fried goodness, a good friend, and an old romance.

Stone Temple Pilots made their way through Phoenix Sunday. I must admit, I was taken back by the idea of them playing the State Fair. It is so beneath them, I couldn't rap my head around the idea of them playing such a low-class establishment, when we have funky venues, like the Celebrity Theatre around.
I instantly dragged my friend Shayna with me for a night of fun.
I was super excited to see them. I always loved them, and even went through a period of unhealthy obsession directed at Scott Weiland. I realized Sunday that I haven't moved on from that obsession, even at the seasoned age of 28. let's just say; no regrets on the 8th grade yearbook dedication "STP rules!"

There was no opening act, which I must say was refreshing. I hate being forced to sit through some washed up band playing some annoying ass song in the hopes that the band everyone really came to see would show up soon. Do you ever feel like the opening band in your life? Sometimes I do. I think, oh I know you don't want to deal with me, but the person you really want is tied up--so suck it up. Always second choice, or an afterthought. "What was her name again?" I would say being the opening band would sum up my daily work life.

Back to the show. Lights went out, music started, and there he was. Scott Weiland was sexy as ever, and I wanted to do things to him that would make Jenna Jamenson blush. God, how did I forget how hot he was? His crazy drunk guy dancing was even hot. How has he recycled through 2 wives? Beat me, cheat on me, go to rehab--when you look like he does--the world is your oyster. I couldn't keep my eyes off his thin and lean body moving around the stage.

Another high point of the show was that they focused on the older stuff. I think that is what everyone was hoping for. Wicked Garden, Plush, Sex type thing, creep, unglued,& dead and bloated were just some of the songs they played. I was a little bummed they didn't play Sin or Silvergun superman, which were some of my old favorites. Considering how many albums they have and how long they have been around I really think they did a great job on song selection. Thinking the concert would take my back to the Pet Shop Boys concert 3 years ago, which was just shameful and embarrassing. (They filled less than 1/4 of the arena and the props looked right out of '83) I was overly excited and impressed how amazing STP still is today. There wasn't a person in the arena who didn't sing along to every single song, or chant STP! STP! STP! in hopes of bringing them back for an encore. I felt like I was 16 again. Drooling over a man I would never meet, or ever get closer to than section C, row 10, seat 8. For split moment, I forgot that I was a mom pushing 30, and Scott Weiland was a washed up rock star recovering drug addict over 40. I couldn't have asked for a better night.


Amy said...

Sounds like a fun night!! That was totally the NKOTB concert for me! :)

Nameless said...

awesome story, like your insights into growing older. sounds like it was fun!

Sarah said...

I remember that phase; I think it coincided with my Garth Brooks obsession.