Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Bored to death

If you are going to call a show "Bored to Death" you should really go over and beyond on making it interesting. The title of the new HBO show Bored to Death, pretty much sums up how I feel when I am watching it.

I am super excited when Curb came back and thought I would give HBO's new show a try, and have been super disappointed. I had high hopes with such a great cast, Jason Schwartzman, Ted Danson and one of my favs Zach Galifianakis, but have been let down a big way. The same kind of let down when you go to Krispy Kreme wanting that HOT sign to be glowing in the night, only to find it off, and this mornings batch sitting out.

On the same note--I am bored to tears at work. My P.I.T.A. co-worker I blogged about a month ago, continues to be a total distraction and impossible to deal with. In this job market, my options are clearly limited and it makes me feel discouraged and uneasy. Like I am going to be 35 yrs old asking myself "where did my life go?"

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I feel you. Not to use these hard times as an excuse, but it's hard to be motivated when opportunities seem so limited. It's just a lull. We'll get past it. Miss you!