Thursday, December 13, 2007

5:1 and 11:2 are you %$&%# kidding me????

Another reason why I love Arizona so much...
In case I haven't mentioned it before AZ is a very ass backward state in a lot of ways, but here for shits and giggles is another one.

Daycare providers can have 1 adult to every 5 INFANTS (under the age of 1) and 11 infants to 2 adults. I bet you are asking yourself how is that even humanly possible?? It's simple, it's not!!!
Are you fucking kidding me??? I pay you over 1, 000.00 a month to basically make sure my child doesn't die?? Super!!! I just about puked when I found this out. I talked to our sitter who used to work for one of the big providers and she informed me that you get paid about $7.50-$9.00 an hour to be one of these lucky adults. She got a whole $8.75 for being an education major. I am sorry is that supposed to make me feel better? I guess for that much an hour I am lucky if my kid is still alive come 5 p.m.. It's sad how little these people get paid and how much they are expected to manage. My kid can sit there screaming his head off for 45 mins before anyone even tends to him if there are other kids requiring attention. Could you imagine 11 kids??? I refuse to believe that any type of proper care is given. In Colorado it's 2 kids (under age 2) for 1 adult,now that my friends makes sense. AZ really needs to get their head out of their ass and start getting it together. How can any parent feel good dropping their kid off everyday or even feel slightly motivated to go back to work? Ughhhh!!

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