Sunday, December 23, 2007

Why do people feel the need...

To dress their dogs in people clothes???
I live in Scottsdale which is a wannabe LA. Where every blond busty Scottsdale tramp feels the need to dress their already rat looking dog into little outfits. The worst is when they actually match the person's outfit. I am sorry but on what planet is this cute???

I saw a little bugged eyed thing which I am not even sure which breed it is, I am assuming it's a dog and I am not even sure if that is a safe assumption...but the dog was wearing a pink tu tu. Here's the hook, the dog was a boy. His name was Johnny. WTF??? That poor dog..

And when I was at the mall having my son get his picture with Santa there was this GROWN & STRAIGHT man hassling the Santa staff about having his dog take a picture with Santa. I am sorry sir but this is not PetsMart. I am pretty confident I do NOT want that thing in the same hands as where my kid is about to go. After 15 mins of the staff explaining to him why they can not allow his rat, I mean dog on Santa's lap the guy the BALLS to have someone just walking through the mall take a photo of him and his freaking dog by the candy cane. GO TO F'N Petsmart asshole!!!!

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