Thursday, December 20, 2007

I looooooooooooooooooooove New York!!

Aww yes...

It's finally happened. Miss New York and Tila Skanky Tequila have picked their men.

Can I please tell you how much I love New York (Tiffany.) Her little comments are so f'n funny I just about pee myself watching her show. Although I thought Tailor Made was a total douche bag at the beginning of the season, I learned to like him as time passed. Now do I even describe Buddha?? He reminds me of someone who I utterly hated, so therefore I couldn't stand him. I just saw his bald ass on hell date last week. I mean seriously how many dating shows can one go on??? How do you even get casted for so many? I think there should be a cut off. The guy from survivor and another contestant from Tila is on the Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency. You know your life is sad when your hook is how many dating shows people can recognize you from.

For those of you who didn't watch I love New York. I am sorry that you missed out on the best TV this year. For those of you who get me, why in the hell did she kick Punk off? I mean he was a little steroided out, but super nice guy. He seemed semi normal. And Midget Mac. Why did he always need to talk about himself in the 3rd person?? "Midget Mac will kick some ass." "Midget Mac loves him some New York." Half the time I wasn't even sure if he was Midget Mac or if I had my names wrong. And oh yes, Sister Paterson. When sister Patterson and the Entertainer's mom had it out, I just about died when she said she had a beaver's ass on her head.

Sister Patterson actually makes me want to go to church. Could you imagine if your mom was like that? Even worse, could you imagine wearing half as much make up as New York?? Jesus, that girl has so much eyeshadow I can't even see past her eyes to admire her new boobs.

Anyways, I say good choice New York. Can't wait for it to blow up to the disaster it is. See you season 3. :)

Tila, Tila, Tila...

Does anyone know what this skank's real name is??? And why in the hell says she have a song called "My Stripper Friends?" I mean really? You know that many strippers that you were able to form a click then write a song? I don't even think I know one. The song is so sad I can't even get through the second half. As I predicted the trashy skank picked Billy. Even though Dani was totally the better choice. Even the guys wanted Dani to win. I felt so bad when Dani cried. I mean if Dani looks at the bright side. She won't have to deal with treating all those STD's Tila would have passed down. I am sure Billy's family is thrilled that their new daughter in law is a myspace slut. What happened to all the classy dating shows like Rock of Love with Bret Michaels?

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