Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year Resolutions

In the spirit of the New Year I made a list of things I hope to accomplish this year. Assuming only 1 even has the slightest chance of making it through the end of January I figured I better make a long list.

  1. To lose that extra 20 pounds that taunts me every time I get dressed.
  2. Stop taking misplaced aggression out on my poor dogs.
  3. To pet Chubs & Lexi at least once more each day.
  4. To care what I look like when I leave the house.
  5. To eat less junk food.
  6. To stop pretending I don't eat junk food.
  7. To be nicer to the dumb girl at Starbucks when she F's up my order.
  8. To be happy with my body in it's current state.
  9. To communicate with my husband without getting upset.
  10. To be more patient with my mom.
  11. To forgive old friends that may have hurt me in the past.
  12. Stop complaining about how little sleep I get.
  13. Read to Stone more.
  14. Try to find a job I like doing, not just one I have to do.
  15. To call my bay area friends more, just to say hi.
  16. To not be such an angry driver.
  17. Spend less money on crap I don't need.
  18. Not to be jealous of people who look better and have nicer things than me.
  19. Stop assuming everyone finds me witty and charming.
  20. To be more sensitive about the things I say.
  21. Aww fuck it, my friends are tough they can take it!!

Happy New Year!!

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