Saturday, December 15, 2007

Yes that is really his name...

Ok, so maybe I named my kid something a little unusual, but I happen to like it.
For those of you who don't know my son's name is Stone Thaddeus. Stone being my husband's middle name, and Thaddeus being his brother's middle name. Stone is also a family name of my husband's. That wasn't the only reason we named him Stone, we both happen to really like it. I mean do we really need one more John, Matt or Chris in the world? Its not like I named him Apple or Stardust or some weird ass celebrity shit. I think sometimes people try to hard to be different and end up screwing their kid for life with these random names, but I don't think that's what we did. Right?
If one more person makes a comment about my son's name being "different" or "unusual" or asks me why I picked that I swear I will lose it.
Some fucking old bat at the mall asked what his name was and I said Stone. Then the witch says, spell it. I know Stone is a big word for some people so I spelled it REALLY slow so she could get her head around it. Then she says "like the rock?" Umm I know Stone used to be somewhat common back in the day, I am sure that was about her time.
So then she has the nerve to say "I am sure your mom was upset you didn't pick something more distinguished." What ever happened to if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all? Does this shit just happen to me? Or is it Scottsdale? I know we have a large abundance of old people, maybe that's it?
I guess I kind of figured (stupid me) that since it was my kid I could name him something I like, I guess I was wrong. Apparently when you name your kids you must take into consideration what strangers will think. Maybe I should have taken a poll or gone on some sort of reality show where you could pick my kid's name. I mean seriously who says that kind of crap? It's his name, a little too late for me to consider other alternatives, so why even say anything???
My name is Jordana, like I don't know what playground torture is like. He is tough, he can handle it :)


Unknown said...

about time i saw some "language" used i knew you had it in you.. and yes its scottsdale. maybe a little overall but i think scottsdale is way more judgmental which is good and bad

Unknown said...

i love reading your posts Jojo, you are so right on with everything! miss you!