Monday, December 10, 2007

Does no one have manners anymore????

What the hell happened to a simple thank you or please????
I swear people act as if you are required to open the door for them or let them so kindly cut you off cause it's the "holidays." Do people not believe in Thank You cards anymore??? When I was a kid (yes I realize this makes me sound very old) my mom would have had a heart attack if I didn't send a thank you card for every gift or nice gesture I received. You get a gift, you send a card, you stay with someone, you send a card, right??? Apparently not. After just having a baby and doing the whole shower thing I wrote so many Thank You cards I started to mutter thank you for the.... in my sleep.
People act so damn entitled it makes my skin crawl. Example...I am at Starbucks with my child in one arm seconds away from breaking my back and arm, and my lovely latte in my other. I head to the door, do you think one person even blinks or offers to get the door for me????? No even better. Some rail thin 19 year old in her designer jeans and Gucci bag so kindly stops and gestures for me to go ahead. Oh, so I guess I am supposed to get my own door with my third arm and perhaps leave it open for your skinny ass??? I mean don't let me put you out by having to pocket your BMW car key to grab the door for a girl with a baby....heaven forbid you help an old lady out. You see an old man or a pregnant lady OR A GIRL HOLDING A BABY you get the damn door!!! Screw math and history they should teach manners 101 in school.
And for all of those blackberry users, please STOP texting while you drive. IN case you didn't notice it causes for you to drive like $%#@ and annoy those around you.

Good night :))

(this blogging thing is easier then I thought!!)


Jacque said...

OMG!!! I was laughing my ass off reading your blogs! You are too good at this! Hope you and Stone are doing well... oh, and the guy that doesn't replenish the toilet paper too. hahahahaha!!! Miss you!

Unknown said...

hey.. that is some funny stuff and its so true.. mostly snobbsdale true but it does filter down to the tuke some of the time.. good to see you blogging also...