Friday, December 28, 2007

Just another FAB day...

I don't know what it is about the holiday season that brings the worst out of people but I have noticed people really start to act like assholes from November thru the New Year. Maybe I misunderstood the point of Christmas but I thought it was the time to give and be cheerful??

There hasn't been one event that has drawn me to this conclusion but more of mish mash of events.

So I am at Target. The place is packed. Trying to be considerate, I leave my basket at the end of the aisle with my two items in the cart. The aisle was a big cluster fuck so I figured my cart would just throw it over the edge. I grabbed my items and started to head back to my cart. That is when I noticed a heavily perfumed woman take my stuff out of my cart while looking at me and place them on the end of the aisle and take my freaking cart. Are you kidding me???? I uttered "you're welcome bitch." I am sure she didn't hear me although I wish she would have. There was this brief moment when I actually thought about running up behind her and beating her with a dog bone. I just didn't think xmas in jail would be fun.

Cheesecake Factory...ok so it was really busy, day after xmas, lunch time in a mall. I get it. So I am holding my heavy ass kid in his car seat waiting my turn to give my name and get my little flashing pager. Then some jackass with too much hair gel comes strolling up and cuts right in front of me"how long for 6?" Meanwhile, Miss Too Much Eyeliner starts to complement my son. Like I don't know what she is doing. She was like 19, she could give a shit about kids. I know I hated kids at 19 and sometimes still do. (other people's of course) She was trying to distract me from what her dumb ass boyfriend was doing. I mean aren't I in the same catergory as an old person?? Doesn't having a baby give you some street credit in some way?

Driving along..I can't remember where I was going, but I do remember being annoyed. Some idiot text messaging decides to cut me off. Like scary, almost hit me cut me off. So I honk and throw my hands up. Like WTF? Natural reaction right? He did just put my and my son's life in danger. Idiot looks at me in the rear view mirror and flips me off and then moves over to the other lane to stick his hand out the window and flip me off again. Ok, how did I become the asshole in this situation??? I am so sorry Mister that my car was interfering with your text message. I am sure whatever you were trying your girlfriend was really urgent. Next time I will just run myself off the road.

I mean I guess this stuff could happen any other day, but it feels more freaquent around this time of year. Or maybe this just reconfirms that I hate people.

Note to self: do not take a job in customer service.

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