Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I'm from Brooklyn YO!

Ok, let me say this up front I am a total TV junkie and to make matters worse I watch about every reality show on TV (except survivor, I put my foot down on that one!)
Can I please tell you how much I hate when they do these damn "look back" filler episodes right before the finale. I don't need a reminder of what I just spent the last 4 months of my life watching. There is nothing new, no shocking twists it is the same damn thing that I have seen in the previous episodes. Like the Hills doing that stupid "feature length movie" it was not a movie it was a bunch of clips from Laguna Beach and The Hills. Spiderman is a movie, that was just a really long preview. So last night I was all excited cause I thought Tila would chose her "love." It was Tuesday, last week it was down to 2 so why would I have thought otherwise. Nope, was a f'n flashback episode. For those of you who don't know who Tila is; she is some trashy Myspace whore who has received her fame solely for just being a myspace hussy. She is allegedly bi-sexual (which they made such a big deal about like it's some rare animal or something) and so it was guys and girls who competed for a "Shot at love with Tila Tequila." I promised myself when i saw the previews that I would not watch such trash but sure enough after episode 2 I was hooked. Its down to Dani (who is a girl) and Billy who is this total country mama's boy. I say she should pick Dani. She is super down to earth, really sweet and just seems more real then the others. If that is even possible on reality TV. To be real...
I think Trashy Tila will pick Billy cause I don't really believe she is gay. I think she is doing it for the show which is sad, but I still watch. While I was sulking because I have to wait another week to find out who has their shot at love. I realized I love Janice Dickinson and her dumb modeling reality show on Oxygen. I ordered Oxygen for Snapped which is a show about real women who kill in the rage of passion. Great show, and very real. You don't mess with an angry chick with a gun..
So I was hoping Snapped was on and it was the Janice Dickinson modeling agency, which I now love. She is such a loud mouth bitch. I think I love her. But if you REALLY want good TV you have to watch the Bad Girls Club. I am not even sure what the purpose of this show is but they basically got like 8 girls who are total trash to all live in a house with each other and beat the crap out of each other day in and day out. There is this heavy set black girl from Brooklyn who I love. Because she will cut you if you piss her off enough. The alliances make no sense; but its still great. The crazy black girl from Brooklyn (who feels the need to remind everyone she is from there every 5 mins) decided that this total white girl who looked like she grew up in Los Altos was to be her best friend and roommate since she was from Brooklyn. These two girls have nothing in common and absolutely NOTHING to talk about. It is so great trying to understand anything they talk about. 2 of the girls are strippers (but the good kind of course), a radio DJ, and there is this one girl Lyric from Phoenix (represnting!) who almost didn't make it cause she was in jail the night before the show started. They all obviously have a drinking problem. But I really think this show will help them and us find ourselves in this mad, mad world. :)
If you find yourself in need of some good trash and are over Grey's and ER, tune into Bad Girls Club. It will be the most pointless half hour of your life!

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