Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A night with the band...

So when you have a baby you really try to consider several factors when going out to eat. Is it too noisy? Too quiet? Too fancy? Kid friendly etc.

So when my husband's family was in town I really tried to pick somewhat of a kid accepting place to eat for our holiday dinner. We celebrated Christmas a little early so I thought getting a reservation wouldn't be an issue, but when its 8 + a baby= 9 seats, it can get tough. All but one or two wanted to go out to dinner. Since my house was the hosting house, I wanted to go out as well. The mess, left overs, etc. I just didn't want to deal with it all. Not to mention my kitchen table seats 4.
I gave several options and my husband said why don't we do restaurant X. For the purpose of this blog the place we ate at will be referred to as X. I kind of want to be able to eat there again :) After calling around X was the only place that didn't laugh when I asked if they had any reservations left. I purposely mentioned there was a baby to make sure they didn't try to prop his car seat on some unstable upside down highchair. "Oh no problem!! See you at 7pm!"
My husband and I were stoked. X is one of our fav places to eat and we were sure everyone would love it.

So we pile up and meet my in laws and sister in law with her boyfriend at the restaurant. My brother in law and his wife stayed with us. I noticed right as we are walking in that there is a band. All the times I ate there I never saw a band, of all nights. Then I look over and see the family sitting at a table which was literally on top of the equipment. WTF???? You have got to be joking. So the asshole working the door, says oh there is a band tonight, is that ok?? Well no, not really. See this's that baby I mentioned. It was too late at this point so we all sat down.
My in laws looked annoyed but I try to brush it off as it being some trendy Scottsdale thing and hope it isn't too loud.
Oh shit, are those drums??? Wait, how many people are in this f'n band?

So the music starts...I watch my sister in law twitch every time a drum is hit.

Stone is awakes up..and looks pissed.

So my father in law grabs Stone and decides to head outside in the car so he doesn't flip out and start crying. I am watching the glasses shake from the speaker being directly under the table. Everyone is whispering and looking really annoyed. I immediately feel responsible even though I just called in the reservation; so I jumped up and asked the jerk at the door to please move us. The conversation goes a little like this.

"umm, excuse me."
" I think there is some sort of misunderstanding. When I called and made the reservations there was no mention of the band. It is sort of loud."
"Well I told the first half of your party when they arrived and they said it was ok."
"Well they are already here, what were they supposed to say? It's 7pm on a Saturday before xmas."
"Well I can't do anything to help you out, do you know who you talked to?"
"yeah, YOU!"
"I don't remember talking to you, but I can't move you sorry."
"Look, I was crystal clear that we had a baby with us. No baby let alone human can sit on top of a speaker without losing their hearing."
"Look lady, what do you want us to do?"
"MOVE US! My father in law is in the car with my son. My husband is outside trying to find them. I think my sister in law is now deaf and I am pretty sure the other half of the table is pissed. This is supposed to be xmas dinner, not feeling the cheer."
"Fine I will move someone else."

Nothing annoys me more then when people act as if you are being unreasonable by stating the obvious. Like how dare I be annoyed that no band was mentioned when I made reservations and that my salad plate is on some random guys drum set...

So I go back and report to the table that the jerk is willing to move us and to hang tight.
Then it happens.
"This is our first time doing this song."
What? Wait, there is a singer?????
This lady was not singing but SHOUTING and standing right over the table to prove a point. Apparently she was annoyed that we were in their zone. Like it was our fault some dipshit sat us there.
I couldn't drink my martini fast enough.

Then oh yes, I hear "So you better shop around..hmmm you better shop around."
Isn't that from a State Farm insurance commercial or something?

Everyone slammed their food, so we could hurry out. My father in law and son are still in the car. The only high point was that everyone (almost everyone) enjoyed their meal and I got a free drink.

There is no real point to this story except what a f'n nightmare the whole night was. And you better believe I heard semi not joking remarks about how bad it was the next day. How the whole thing became my fault, who knows. Oh and my son spent the entire time screaming in the car. Talk about feeling like the grinch.
Oh what a Merry Xmas it was...

Oh and i would like to mention / thank my friend Joy for making me these super cute headers. She keeps me sassy :)

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