Thursday, December 27, 2007

To thank you or not to thank you, that is the question

Ok, so in case you have not noticed I am the thank you card nazi. My mom was always strict about it being the "right thing" to do so its just in my blood.

Here is the question you send a thank you card for a xmas gift??
Is a thank you email enough? Or what if you send a gift in return, does that count?
I just feel like xmas is the exception because you are expecting to give something. A birthday, baby shower, etc is something you more choose to do. Xmas has that obligation to send something. I am not really in the mood for thank you cards right now. With all the holiday cards flowing in the mall I know it just goes straight to the trash.

I feel if you have acknowledged the gift then that is good enough when it comes to xmas.

Another good question, when you send a thank you card for example thanking someone for letting you stay with them. Should they send a thank you card back for you coming out to visit?? Then doesn't it become a vicious cycle of thanking each other?
My friend Cassie has this thing down right. You don't send any cards and there is never an expectation from people to receive them.

Here is a virtual thank you for reading my blog. Thanks

1 comment:

Joy Johnson said...

How funny, I just posted some cute Thank You cards on my blog :)

For the holidays, I usually only send to people that I really didn't expect anything from. This year it was pretty much just a co-worker that totally surprised me with a gift.

Oh, and then we sent one to Trip's mom for buying us tons of stuff while she was out here. Thought that was the least I could do!