Friday, December 14, 2007

I will not drink the kool-aid

Ok, so being a new mom especially one who stays home can get a bit lonely. So based on some advice from other moms I joined a "mommy's group." After hearing my girlfriends talk about their group I thought it would be this nice network of new moms grabbing coffee and hitting the mall. Holy crap was I wrong.
So I joined this group called the Sweet Peas (lame yes I know) on this website The dues were $5 for every 6 months so I figured I would give it a try. So the minute I signed up (about 6 weeks ago) I was sent this really long email listing all these rules. Most were pretty basic and understandable and some were just weird. You have to post at least 2 messages a month on the message board, organize one event every 3 months, not show up with a sick get the idea. Then there was these weird ass one's. You must have a green ribbon on your diaper bag and wear something green to each meet. You must meet someone to get an ID badge and have it with you at all times. Ok maybe it doesn't sound that weird, but when I talked to the president of the group, I jokingly but semi-serious said well my diaper bag is green is that ok? "No, you must have some sort of green ribbon. It is vital that we are able to spot all of the Sweet Peas." Like the large group of women in sweats with babies wouldn't be a tip off, but OK whatever crazy lady.
Then she gives me this shit about how I have to meet her within a month of joining and pay my $5 dues. Look its $5, I spend that on a coffee, it's not a big deal. Me driving 30 mins to drop it off is. I just figured when I attend something, I will give it to her then, no biggie. Well apparently I was wrong. She flagged my profile for the whole world to see that I was overdue on my fucking $5. Like i am trying to be shady or something. I hadn't even attended a event so in my eyes I wasn't overdue. The site that she runs costs $120 a year. She had over 60 members paying $10 a year. She is turning a large profit little witch. "I need to be compensated for my time." You wanna be paid for your time, then get a job don't host a mommy's group. You making up these stupid ass events like breakfast at Ikea??? Really? As if Ikea isn't stressful enough to get through you want me to bring my kid and have $.99 breakfast with you?? Oh that sounds fun. I am sure my INFANT will find that enjoyable. Is not requiring a lot of time or effort on your part, trust me.
Then get this shit. I get this email now like 6 weeks later letting me know that I had been dropped from the group for non-attendance and not paying my dues. Well I kind of thought me not showing up to any events and getting off was my way of saying F' you lady!! I will not drink the kool-aid and be apart of your creepy cult! She would always refer to Stone as my sweet pea. You mean my kid? It was so irritating I wouldn't have lasted long anyways. And one more thing, I get wanting to meet new members promptly to ensure they are not creepy child molesters joining, but how in the hell do I know the person I am meeting is not a wack job?? Needless to say no mommy's group for me. Oh well...

1 comment:

The Marcster said...

Your posts seem much more interesting tonight. Perhaps it because I am hopped up on ambien. Remember those days!? We miss you out here!!! :-(