Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I'll take a triple, grande, non-fat, 130 degree latte...pls

Ok, is it me or do people that work at Starbucks always seem high???
They speak their own language and have these big ass smiles on their face. Sometimes I can't tell if they are being obnoxious or friendly. It's sort of annoying.
I used to go to Starbucks every day. That was until my husband bought me my own espresso machine. I know what you are thinking, "how nice of him." It's not like that. Not that it wasn't nice, but that wasn't the reason I got the machine. It wasn't a "here you go honey. You are such a great wife and mom; and I know how much you enjoy a latte so I got this for you." It was more like you spend way too much money on Starbucks and we have to find a way to cut back. So the machine was a compromise.

In some sick, twisted, lazy, American way. Even though I use SB beans, its not the same. Something about having to make it yourself sort of takes away the fun of having a coffee. Not to mention the mess. There are fucking coffee bean grinds everywhere. I seriously found some in my son's crib. wtf?

When I do go to Starbucks I go to the drive-thru (when you have kids its much easier.) They seem to always have the hard of hearing, overly friendly girl who ALWAYS screws up my drink working the drive thru. I have to repeat it about 3 times before she even gets something close to what I am asking for. Pre-caffiene, her being so damn happy, makes it even more annoying.
"Triple, Grande, NON fat, 130 degree Latte." Look, I know it may sound complex. But they created this language where I feel like I am always talking in code, they should get what I am saying.
Can you please tell me how my order translated to a grande, hazelnut, vanilla latte??
And nothing annoys me more when they try to correct the order you called your drink in. "You mean a Grande, Triple, non fat, 130 degree latte???" Umm... yes, I believe that is the same f'n thing I just said. That's like me ordering chicken and rice, and the waiter saying "oh did you want to try the rice with chicken?" Same thing. I feel like them trying to correct the order is what always f's up my order. And they always do it with such attitude. Like how dare I even try to order a drink in the incorrect order. You go anywhere else, its small, medium, large. None of this venti shit. Then when they correct me, it confuses me for a minute on what exactly I ordered. I have to say it back in my head and make sure all of the details are there. Then I say it back in the "wrong"order out of habit, then the witch corrects me again. After a quick pause I am like yeah, that's it. The whole time hoping when I pull around it's something even slightly close to what I ordered. Then when I get up to the window, they feel the need to repeat it again. I really can't handle all of this thinking so early in the morning. I wish they would just put a touch screen where you can plug in your own order. Cut out the middle man.


Joy Johnson said...

Oh my god. You are crazy blogger. Beware of stay-at-home moms with laptops.

What I have created.

La Belleza said...

Uuumm, yeah, every day I order a triple grande, no foam, 130 degree latte. Even though I go to the same Starbuck's EVERY FREAKING DAY, I still say it v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y for comprehension but, no... I always get the deer in the headlights look, "ok, that was non fat?" No, asshole, that's NO FOAM. Ok so a grande... what was it? LATTE ASSHOLE! LATTE! Ok, a triple grande no foam latte! 130 degress asshole!

The Marcster said...

I heard the Jerk Store now has a coffee kiosk....

Sarah said...

I break my drink down into two sections when I order. I found that when I used to say it all in one breath (tall ,nonfat, extra hot, no water, 4 pump chai) I never got what I wanted. One component was always missing. Now I ask for a tall, nonfat, extra hot chai. Then I pause for a few seconds while they write it and then I add, "And can I get that with no water and 4 pumps of chai?" It's been working a lot better for me. If you list off too many modifications in a row, most people screw it up.

Sarah said...

also, they probably pretend they don't hear 130 degrees because it's so annoying to make. :-)